Symbols in the Word of God

$15.00 $16.24

“Symbols in the Word of God” is a companion book or a follow-up book to “The Kingdom of God in Parables.” The purpose of symbols in the Word of God is similar to the Parables taught by Jesus – to bring a greater depth of understanding. The main difference is that the parables are stories while the symbols are usually referring to objects.  The use of objects is to give you mind pictures. The original language of Hebrew is a pictorial language – a word paints a picture or creates an image in your mind. Even though these symbols will not be studies through the original Hebrew language, it will be referred to in some of the items. You will be able to see more about how this is used as we go into some of the symbols.

The Lord promises us wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is available to all who ask, which is a challenge for some because they just don’t ask. Understanding, the seeking to know more, comes through Holy Spirit as you spend more time reading, asking, and meditating on the Word. Holy Spirit is our teacher in things regarding God’s Kingdom and His Word. Those that are seeking will find by uncovering layer after layer of revelation understanding that is hidden for you, not from you. God wants you to know more, have more, and be more; He just wants you to want it enough to read, ask, seek, and meditate more to obtain it.

There are things in our lives that don’t mean much on their own. It is what they represent that gives them meaning or makes them something special to us. When looking at specific objects, though there may be various meanings or representations, it is sometimes just one of those meanings that will speak to you regarding a situation in your life or be an answer to something you have been searching for.

As each symbol is discussed, you will see that some may have various meanings or uses. This will require discernment to see what is being said to you in that verse. This will help you to grow beyond surface reading, seeking to understand more to receive the intended instruction. This is certainly not an exhaustive list or discussion of each symbol, but enough for you to see how to search for other meanings and other objects that may be used as symbols for learning.

Get inquisitive, ask questions, meditate, and ponder the places yet to go and the things yet to see in the written universe called the Holy Bible.

Weight .8 oz


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