The communities in our cities need us to be the church that God intended for us to be. A
church unified together as one Body, made up of many different parts with different
abilities. It’s easy to be on fire for Jesus when the Holy Spirit is flowing through the
atmosphere of the church building. But how much more do we need His presence
flowing outside the doors? The broken places of our lives and communities where
there’s a spiritual war waging that’s keeping people from finding true freedom in Christ.
Unfortunately, too many people have built up walls of self-protection for a variety of
reasons. Some think they are not welcome into the church because of self-doubts or
other lies of the enemy they have believed. Others have “tried” church only to find their
fears of not fitting in to be confirmed. Instead of being the light shining on the hill to
welcome all, much of the church has become the social gathering that limits God
moving in their midst to manifest His glory to all.
God calls us to love Him above all else and love our neighbors as ourselves. When we
accomplish this by the Fruit of the Spirit, we can grow together into a healthy church
with a foundation built on a rock that doesn’t crumble in the hard places. Tearing Down
the Walls We Built will help you see how to come out of the places we have been hiding
into a welcoming beacon of light for the Lord.
We must let the Holy Spirit bring wisdom into our lives to address the areas of our lives
that have cracks. His wisdom will also encourage us to take action that will harvest
supernatural change inside and outside the church doors, if we let Him. To God be the
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