
Danger Zone: Deadly Deceptions

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There’s a story in the book of Luke about how Jesus told his disciples to get into a boat and go to the other side of the lake. As the disciples prepared themselves for the journey, Jesus went into the bottom of the boat and went to sleep. As they set sail that day, it did not dawn on them that danger would be waiting for them just a few hours after their journey began.  What seemed like such a simple task, soon turned into a life and death situation. A massive storm would engulf them and cause them all to doubt that the last commandment given to them by the Lord would ever be fulfilled.

Join author Bob Nichols as he shares personal insights and the Word of God in revealing how the enemy of our faith uses every trap, roadblock, and deception trying to stop or impede our efforts in obeying the Lord’s command. It’s time the church and all believers wake up to the enemy’s strategies of deception.

Weight 10.3 oz


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